化学 and Physics

A 曼彻斯特 University student measures carefully

The Department of 化学 and Physics at 曼彻斯特 University strives to equip students with the conceptual knowledge, laboratory proficiency, 数据分析技能, critical thinking ability, and scientific communication competency that enable them to use chemistry and 物理 to enrich their workplaces and communities in principled, 富有成效的, and compassionate ways.

Program Opportunities

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.)化学- For students pursuing careers in industry, professional school (medical, 牙科, 药店, 兽医, 等.), or graduate school
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in 化学 Secondary Education - For students pursuing a career teaching high school chemistry
  • 副修化学- For students wishing to enhance their major area of study with a deeper understanding of chemistry. (biology, environmental studies, psychology, and more)


化学 isn’t called “the central science” for nothing! 事实上, because chemical concepts appear in many other fields, chemistry courses are required preparation for many careers, including laboratory work, 研究, 护理, 物理治疗, 药店, medicine or dentistry. 曼彻斯特 chemistry majors enjoy an outstanding placement rate for their post-graduate goals, including bachelor’s level jobs and professional schools.

曼彻斯特 chemistry faculty will guide you through a hands-on chemistry education that fuses with our outstanding liberal arts curriculum. We graduate students who are effective scientists, communicators and problem solvers, ready to build successful careers in a rapidly changing world.

Careers for a 化学 Major

Pursuing a chemistry major at 曼彻斯特 positions you for a variety of jobs in growing fields. For example, by 2030, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 6 percent growth in chemist/materials scientists (2020 median pay $80,680 /年), 9 percent growth in food scientists (2020 median pay $68,830/year) and 1 percent growth in forensic science technicians (2020 median pay $60,590 /年). 化学 faculty work with you to build your skills and resume to make you strong candidates for these and other positions.

Other careers in chemistry include:

  • 生物化学家
  • 化学家
  • University 化学 Professor
  • Environmental Scientist
  • 食品科学家
  • Forensic Science Technicians
  • High School 化学 Teacher
  • 材料科学家
  • 技术作家
  • 科学记者


Excellent graduate success rates: 

  • 92 percent of 化学 majors graduating in 2011-2020 immediately went on to post-graduate positions.
  • 60 percent enrolled in PhD programs in chemistry or 物理, 医药学校, 医学院, accelerated 护理 programs or 牙科 school
  • 32 percent began bachelor’s-level jobs in laboratories or high school teaching
Historical and Recent 研究生 Successes:
  • JT巴特勒 (2021) is teaching chemistry, 物理, and integrated chemistry and 物理 at Rensselaer Central High School in Rensselaer, 印第安纳州
  • 雅各Dittmer (2020) is pursuing a PhD in chemistry at Florida A&米大学
  • 伊莎贝拉案例 (2020) is attending the 印第安纳州 University School of Dentistry
  • Eric胡子 (2018) is attending the 曼彻斯特 University College of Pharmacy
  • 亚历克西斯·菲格罗亚 (2018) is an MD/PhD student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • 莎拉·库尔茨 (1979) won the 2007 Dan David Prize for her contributions to solar energy
  • 保罗·弗洛里温度 (1931) won the 1974 Nobel Prize in 化学
  • 罗伊冷藏室 (1932) invented Teflon® for the Dupont corporation


曼彻斯特 science faculty believe that you learn science best by doing science. Small class sizes ensure close interaction with your professors, who guide you to gain new knowledge and skills. They will also challenge you to put your classroom knowledge into practice through hands-on laboratory experiences conducted in lab spaces that are equipped for you to simulate common tasks you’ll encounter in your post-college paths. 最重要的是, every chemistry major completes a summer or semester 研究 experience where they complete a one-on-one 研究 project with a chemistry or 物理 professor. This is an important step in your development as a chemistry major, helping you to build valuable skills for your resume and post-graduation plans.